Ultrasound screenings - fibroscan


Ultrasound screenings - fibroscan


Southwest Florida’s clear choice for expert care, quality service, and advanced technology in FibroScan.

Liver fibrosis occurs when your liver becomes full of scar tissue due to diseases such as Hepatitis C or fatty liver. It’s important to know the level of steatosis and fibrosis that has occurred to treat the disease properly. Radiology Regional uses a revolutionary, non-invasive diagnostic imaging tool called FibroScan® to determine the level of liver fibrosis in patients. Prior to FibroScan®, patients needed to undergo an invasive surgical liver biopsy.

What is a FibroScan®?

FibroScan® is a technology used for non-invasive examinations of your liver. FibroScan® works by emitting a small pulse of energy, called a shear wave, which will feel like a light tap on your skin. FibroScan® then calculates the speed of this energy as it travels through your liver and translates that speed with two scores that your care provider will use to determine the overall health of your liver. The first score measures your liver’s stiffness, and the second score approximates liver fat. The combination of these scores gives your healthcare provider a better understanding of your liver’s overall health and how it changes over time with lifestyle or medical intervention.

The FibroScan® examination is painless, quick and easy. During measurement, you feel a slight vibration on the skin at the tip of the probe.

Your physician may recommend a FibroScan® exam if you have one of the following chronic liver conditions:

  • Fatty Liver/ Hepatic Steatosis
  • Alcoholic Liver Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hepatitis B or C
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Methotrexate Use

What can I expect during the FibroScan® exam?

The procedure usually takes about 5 minutes. Your entire appointment will last about 30 minutes. For the procedure, you will lie on your back with your right arm raised behind your head and your right abdominal area exposed. The healthcare provider will obtain a minimum of 10 quick measurements during your examination.

It is important to have your FibroScan,® examination on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything for at least 3 hours before your examination. We also recommend you wear comfortable clothes that will allow the right side of your rib to be exposed.

FibroScan® should not be used if you are pregnant or have any implantable electronic devices.

FibroScan® is covered by most insurance providers for approved indications. The exam is also available at an affordable self-pay rate.

About Fatty Liver Disease

The three most common processes that damage the liver are fatty liver disease, alcohol, and hepatitis B and C. Fatty liver, or Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), is a term used to describe an accumulation of fat in the liver.

NAFLD is usually seen in people who are overweight or obese, however it has been found in people of a normal weight whose diets are very high in fat and/or sugar content. A healthy liver should contain little or no fat.

If fat has been in the liver for a prolonged amount of time, the liver cells can become inflamed and the term NASH (Non Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis) is then used. NASH may progress, like many liver diseases, to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Schedule your FibroScan® appointment, call 239-936-4068 or 941-255-7945.

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