DEXA Bone Density

DEXA Bone Density

DEXA Bone Density

DEXA Bone Density

Southwest Florida’s clear choice for expert care, quality service, and advanced technology in Bone Density Scans.

Radiology Regional uses DPX bone densitometers, offering the latest technology in DEXA scan. Often, DEXA scans can be scheduled in combination with other appointments, including annual Mammograms or Lung Cancer Screening exams.

DEXA stands for Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry, also known as a bone density test. This scan accurately measures the density of and gives invaluable information about the composition of your bones. When tests are repeated over time, they can help your doctor track your rate of bone loss.

Your doctor may be able to tell from certain signs and symptoms if you have osteoporosis. These can include back pain, height loss, a curving spine, a broken bone, or a history of broken bones. The disease may also show up on an X-ray taken for some other medical reason, although X-rays only reveal signs of osteoporosis when bone loss is already quite advanced.

Our team specializes in:

What can I expect during my DEXA scan?

DEXA scans are comfortable, fast, and safe and most patients can stay fully clothed. Radiation exposure is very low (equivalent to 1/20th of the dosage received in a normal chest x-ray).

The precise, immediate results also detect clinical changes, therapeutic response, and include your T-score, which offers a comparison to reference populations nationwide.

To schedule your DEXA Scan appointment, call 239-936-4068 or 941-255-7945.

Southwest Florida’s clear choice for expert care, quality service, and advanced technology in DEXA scanning.

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